USA Today has a story (I read about it in Slate) saying that 75% of Iraqis think the occupation sucks, the U.S. should leave, etc.
I'm not particularly interested in the poll's results but I am fascinated that someone ("someone" was the Pan Arab Research Center of Dubai) polled. A sidebar explains the methodology:
Interviews were conducted between March 22 and April 2, with the exception of the governate of Sulaymaniya where interviews ran through April 9. All interviews were conducted in person in the respondent’s home, with an average interview length of 70 minutes. The cooperation rate — the percentage of those contacted who agreed to be interviewed — was 98%.
So are polls really this widespread? Were there teams going door to door in Rwanda asking "on a scale of one to five with one being "very little" and five being "extremely so" were you distressed when you learned that citizens were encouraged to hack up their neighbors with machettes?" Seventy-one percent of the residents of the former Yugoslavia reporting that Milosevic was leading the country "in the wrong direction"?