Thursday, August 21, 2003

A nice email today from s6myfl702 who came across this very blog and, after saying nice things, Blogrolled me. I take it blogrolling is like logrolling...where I give, say, David Sedaris a nice blurb to put on the back of his book and then, in turn HE gives me a nice blurb to put on the back of my book. Logrolling.

Considering that I got my first ever cell-phone last week, I'm unlikely to manage a full-on blogroll right now, I'm afraid. However I would like to encourage you to check out s6myfl702's blog which is called Precision Blogging. Many droll observations and some useful facts

The right way to wash dishes rarely:
You say you want to leave dirty dishes in the sink for days at a time? You’ll be happier if you don’t encourage the anaerobic bacteria that create the worst smells. When you stack dishes, put a utensil between every pair to let air in. The worst smells develop in airless pockets between dirty dishes.

See? Here's my plug:

Watch out Andrew Sullivan! There's a new blogger in town and his or her name is s6myfl702!