Saturday, October 14, 2006

The entire mac/apple product line annoys the hell out of me. I have been using iTunes as a podcatcher (for my non-apple mp3 player) and I downloaded the latest version. Now featuring less functionality! So instead of files automatically going into a library I had to create a new folder, copy files into that folder (and there is no visual to indicate that this is happening, you just have to check and see if it happened and it doesn't care if it makes duplicates.) This was all after consulting the not-at-all helpful Help menu; I finally just resorted to making shit up and this particular shit seems to be working.

I get that ALL software, all hardware, all electronic stuff in general has idiosyncracies. And I get that part of this is actually my fault and not the machine's fault. But what annoys me is the smug Apple acolyte approach of "it's wonderful and the only reason anyone thinks otherwise is because they've been ruined by exposure to PCs." This is like the hipster version of "God said it, I believe it, that settles it," found on so many bumper stickers in my youth.