Thursday, November 04, 2004

Well I'm less depressed than I was yesterday. It's hard to not feel dissed by my country. From last night's THE DAILY SHOW:

If you want to have gay sex or visit a library, it's probably your last night to do those things. . . I'll be killing two birds with one stone.

Bush just ended a press conference where he announced that he has earned political capital and he intends to spend it. Considering how entitled he felt after not winning in 2000, this is a little disturbing.

From today's NYT, a report of a phone call from Dr. James Dobson to the White House:

Dr. Dobson said he told the (White House) that many Christians believed the country "on the verge of self-destruction" as it abandoned traditional family roles. He argued that "through prayer and the involvement of millions of evangelicals, and mainline Protestants and Catholics, God has given us a reprieve."

"But I believe it is a short reprieve," he continued, adding that conservatives now had four years to pass an amendment banning same-sex marriage, to stop abortion and embryonic stem-cell research, and most of all to remake the Supreme Court. "I believe that the Bush administration now needs to be more aggressive in pursuing those values, and if they don't do it I believe they will pay a price in four years," he said.

Heavy snowfall in the South Plains (Lubbock, Amarillo) of Texas yesterday. NOT in New York, NOT in San Francisco. Fucking Texas. Not quite hell and not quite frozen over.

Talk about heavenly reprieves...