While not actually blogging lately, I think about blogging all the time. And really, it's the thought that counts, no?
Feeling crappy today...I have a class tomorrow afternoon and, as part of the class, we are to include an analysis of a magazine and interview someone who works for the magazine, including their quotes in our report. It doesn't have to be a high-up person; an intern will do.
Naturally I have put this off and put this off since it's much better to dread something than to actually do it. Anyway today I called and, surprise, I didn't get some intern answering phones at the front desk but I got the switchboard for the conglomerate that owns the magazine.
After convincing the operator to find an intern for me, I got an intern's voice mail. Sigh.
So it's entirely possible that I will not have any quotes tomorrow which would be a bad thing (and a bad grade.)
*UPDATE* total false alarm; I got through to an editor, got my quotes, all is fine.
Thanks for scrolling past my whining though; it's genuinely appreciated.