I'm proud, mostly, of being Tennesseean. But sometimes that wears thin. The alternative weekly THE NASHVILLE SCENE has reported on the renovations at TPAC (Tennessee Performing Arts Center).
...what should have been a festive day promoting a collective sense of pride in the arts was a bit marred by the sight of a very conspicuous 40-foot-wide floor mural with several badly misspelled words. The mural, crafted in seven shades of blue terrazzo, features nine quotations about the artistic process.
But the mural takes some artistic license with the spelling of certain words, historical figures and sayings. The goofs include "Napolean Boneparte" instead of "Napoleon Bonaparte" and "concious" instead of "conscious." Then there's the Latin phrase that reads "Arts Gratia Artist," which should actually be "Ars Gratia Artis." Other than that, everything was perfect.
The article does go on to note that, amazingly, they spelled Alexander Solzhenitsyn correctly.